Regenerus Labs

Regenerus Labs

We built a unique Shopify platform featuring multiple different user journeys for this healthcare diagnostics centre.

Bespoke B2B Shopify Launch

  • B2B Shopify Launch
  • Custom App Development
  • Bespoke CRM Integration
  • Custom UX Design
  • Bespoke Order Sheet
  • Internationalisation

Medical B2B

Regenerus Labs came to Inspira with a brief for a custom Shopify project. This B2B platform would provide testing kits to healthcare practices, with separate user experiences for practice admins, for practitioners, and for patients.

It would need to handle sensitive data securely, as well as syncing seamlessly with Regenerus Labs’ own bespoke CRM.

The end result delivered a bespoke B2B solution for healthcare diagnostics, taking full advantage of Shopify’s best-in-class checkout system, as well as providing internationalisation tools.

Client: Regenerus Labs

Regenerus Labs is an on-demand diagnostics centre. They deliver an invaluable service to healthcare providers – granting easy access to world-leading laboratories, and supporting over 300 different types of diagnostic testing.

The Challenge: Balancing security and data sync in a bespoke B2B platform

The brief was to build a portal where healthcare practices – and their associated practitioners – could purchase the required testing kits for their patients, as well as replenishing stock for their clinics. 

Regenerus founder Justin Price approached Inspira for help in setting up a B2B Shopify sales platform for Regenerus Labs. 

The brief was to build a portal where healthcare practices – and their associated practitioners – could purchase the required testing kits for their patients, as well as replenishing stock for their clinics. 

This meant the platform would need to feature different levels of access:

Public view is the default interface of the website, with a limited overview of Regenerus Labs, its products, and services. As a B2B website dealing with registered users, the majority of content should be hidden until an approved user logs in. New visitors will have the option to register their practice however, by providing credentials such as certification and insurance – and pending approval, will then be able to log in and interact fully with the site.

Practice admins should be able to create and manage account information on a practice level, as well as viewing and managing all information available on a practitioner level. 

Healthcare practitioners would then have accounts linked to their specific practices. Each practitioner would be able to view the details of any patients assigned to them, as well as being able to:

  • Order testing kits to replenish clinic stock
  • Order testing kits for assigned patients 
  • View results for previously completed testing kits

It was clear to us early on that this unique brief was going to require a clever and well-crafted Shopify solution! 

Here’s how we approached it…

The Solution: A custom Shopify B2B build with multiple user journeys

Every Inspira project begins with a workshop phase – allowing us to brainstorm ideas with the client, as well as analysing plans, identifying key features, and addressing any potential pressure points. 

The Regenerus Labs store would differ from other B2B ecommerce solutions in a number of respects – in addition to its multiple levels of access, the most unique requirement was that each order had to be assigned to a patient. To solve this, we ended up designing a wholly unique purchase journey – that utilised a feature referred to as the patient order sheet. 

Patient order sheet

Here’s how the patient order sheet works: 

  1. When a practitioner uses the Regenerus Labs system to add a testing kit to the order sheet, they will be required to either create a new patient record, or else assign it to an existing patient.
  2. To link the test to an existing patient, the user can search a database of their own admin-assigned patients. (In cases where patients are under 16 years old, additional information will be provided for their parents or guardians.)
  3. Once the practitioner adds an additional test to the patient order sheet, the site will assume by default that this is a second test for the same patient – though options are provided to overrule this in cases where it doesn’t apply (for example, when ordering tests for a whole family).
  4. On completion of an order, the practitioner chooses whether the tests are assigned from their own clinic stock, or dispatched from a central warehouse – and they also specify whether the practice, or patient, will pay for the tests.

Patient purchase journey 

So what happens in the latter case – when the practitioner specifies that the patient should pay for the test themselves? 

Naturally, the patient won’t be looking at the same screens and data that the practice admin or practitioners do. Instead, we built a third user path: an entirely distinct and separate patient purchase journey.

In this scenario, the patient will receive an email informing them that the order is placed, and is ready for their payment. They can then follow a link to view the order, confirm the test, and pay – using the flexible and secure Shopify checkout.

Bespoke CRM integration

In order to handle all this unique custom functionality, we realised that we would need to build the client a bespoke Shopify app that integrated seamlessly with their CRM. Specifically, the CRM would have to handle information related to:

  • Practice
  • Practitioners
  • Patients
  • Products (i.e. testing kits)
  • Orders
  • Test results

Our Inspira developers crafted a bespoke integration model – which synced all of this data from the client’s CRM to Shopify. Vice versa, orders made through Shopify would push data back to the CRM too, for seamless integration.

As the system would be dealing with medical records and other sensitive data, we also took care to ensure that each practitioner could only view the information that was assigned to them by their practice admin.

Practitioners would then have easy access to their full list of patients, as well as any orders placed, and also the associated test results.


Regenerus Labs were keen to cater their services to clients all around the world. 

However, healthcare regulations vary greatly from one country to the next – so careful attention had to be given to how the Regenerus platform would handle its international traffic.

Inspira deployed a custom solution to open this platform to international B2B clients. We created a system which would show or hide products, depending on the shopper’s location, and fully in-sync with Regenerus’ own bespoke CRM.

As a result, visitors from the UK will only see testing kits which are applicable to UK healthcare. Other products are only available to visitors from the EU, or the rest of the world – while some testing kits are universal, appearing to all Regenerus Labs customers. 

Additional functionality 

In addition to the above features, we also built in some handy extras to help Regenerus get the very most out of their custom B2B Shopify platform. For example:

  • Quick-buy bundles: We created a system that allowed healthcare practitioners to build bundles of testing kits that are commonly purchased together – as well as including simple controls to reorder their regular stock. 
  • Bespoke discounts: When a practitioner orders a test on behalf of a patient, they also have the option to grant that patient a discount. They simply need to enter the discount amount, and the saving is already applied once the patient logs in to make their payment.

The Result: A user-friendly and seamlessly-synced Shopify B2B launch

This project involved a lot of moving pieces – including multiple accounts with varying levels of access for each customer, and the streamlined management and syncing of complex, sensitive information. 

After some hard work and out-of-the-box thinking, we are delighted to report that the end result was a huge success!

Our Shopify B2B platform for Regenerus Labs delivered a bespoke and bullet-proof CRM integration, seamlessly handling the day-to-day data of practices, practitioners, products, patients and orders.

The slick custom-designed interface of the public facing portal made for smooth purchase journeys, with a simple and streamlined user experience, and a clear delineation of data between user-determined access levels.

The client, Regenerus founder Justin Price, was thrilled with the results – describing the new Shopify platform as “brilliant,” and noting that it perfectly met the needs of Regenerus now, while also giving the business room to grow in future.


Here at Inspira, we relish the opportunity to create something truly unique for our clients. Would your business benefit from a bespoke Shopify platform? A custom platform that will clearly set you apart from – and ahead of – the competition?

Talk to us today for all your custom Shopify needs… and we’ll be glad to let you know what we can do to help your business thrive in the ecommerce landscape.
